The Exhibition

20 June


A rude book / by Tell (Albert Buhrer) [book]

London: Palmer, 1926

The foundation stone of Coventry Cathedral was laid in 1956. The Cathedral is a fine example of the integration of art and architecture, and features prominently one of Jacob Epstein's last sculptures, 'St Michael and the Devil', which won immediate acclaim. Yet, as our publication entitled 'The Hyde Park atrocity' testifies, Epstein's work was not always received so well. The design and reception of Epstein's memorial to William Henry Hudson (naturalist and writer) was fraught with difficulties. It depicts Rima, the heroine of Hudson's most famous novel. Epstein's Rima sketchbook is held in our archive. The Hudson memorial is the subject of the caricature and satirical verse that you see today, and the author, revealed in a press cutting, is Albert Buhrer.
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