The Exhibition

13 June


The leaping hare / by George Ewart Evans and David Thomson [book]

Clay figure, 1975

Newton Abbot: Country Book Club, 1974

Donated by Andrew Jezzard, 1995

While Flanagan worked with a variety of materials and forms earlier in his career, the bronze hare became the trademark of his work in the 1980s, and is what he is best known for today. 'The Leaping Hare' was published - and it was read by Flanagan - around the time that he produced the clay figure we saw yesterday. The image of the hare, and its associations, captured his imagination and provided him with a vehicle for artistic expression. His bronze hares are animated in a multitude of ways; they leap, dance, box, play cricket, look through telescopes, and so on. If you didn't know that this book was the original source of the inspiration behind them, you might wonder what this book is doing in a sculpture library.
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