Students Discussion

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From: Sixth Form at Ackworth
Date: 01 Jul 1998
Time: 11:00:37
Remote Name:


Dear James Turrell,

Here are a list of questions we have compiled in response to your 'LQW' installation at our school. Your replies will be documented as part of our research into the project and included on our web site <> along with links to other artranspennine sites.

1. What was the original inspiration for the Lapsed Quaker Ware?

2. How did you conceive this idea when you usually experiment with light?

3. Did you have any previous knowledge about Ackworth or the school?

4. Why did you decide to make the dinner set in black ceramic?

5. When did your career as an artist begin and did you have any formal training?

6. Why did you begin experimenting with light?

7. What is your favorite colour?

8. Who are your influences, past and present?

9. What do you feel has been your greatest artistic achievement?

10. Is American Quakerism similar to English?

11. What constitutes a lapsed Quaker?

12. Do you follow any of the Quaker beliefs and practices?

13. Does Quakerism still have an influence on your life?

14. Why did you choose to work with other artists/craftsmen on the project?

15. Does the final result match up to your proposed idea?

16. Why did you choose this region?

17. How long do your projects normally last?

18. Do you find that American audiences react differently to you work than the English?

19. What is your impression of England?

20. What is your response to those who say about LQW that "it isn't art"?

Thank you for taking time to answer these questions and we look forward to receiving your


VI Form pupils at Ackworth Quaker School.

Last changed: July 01, 1998