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Category: Category 0
From: Gill Nicol
Date: 13 Jul 1998
Time: 14:45:05
Remote Name:


It is increasingly common to find artists with ideas that are then realised by others for example, Rachel Whiteread will cast the first of many hot water bottles but, the then mundane task of repeating this casting is left to others.

Lapsed Quakerware was realised by Nicholas Mosse, a well established potter based in Wexford, Ireland. The idea was James Turrell's. They worked collaborativly together through the initial development of a few pieces which Nick then went on to make the full 80 pieces of black ceramic.

My feelings towards this is that LQW is so much about the making that the potter should have had greater recognition for his part in the final product.

Last changed: July 13, 1998